In accordance with the Ley Orgánica 15/1999 (13th December 1999), regarding the Protection of Personal Data, we assure you that the personal data you provide to us through the website will be treated in confidence; it will be incorporated in a database belonging to International Geophysical Technology, S.L., (CIF: B-79131116) located at Fuerteventura, 4, 1º-4, 28703, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid. This database has been duly registered with the national Data Protection Agency ( Any personal details you provide will be used solely to enable us to inform you about our products and services. For the information you provided to be used for purposes other than this prime function for which it was collected, we would require your prior consent. Anyone who provides personal data by means of this website agrees unconditionally to the inclusion of this information in the IGT-owned database, in accordance with current data-protection legislation, guaranteeing the truth and accuracy of this data as provided to International Geophysical Technology, and accepting responsibility for the communication of any change in said information. The user takes full responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage to which International Geophysical Technology or any third party may be occasioned due to the use of false, incomplete, inaccurate or out-of-date infomation in the forms. We likewise inform you that, in accordance with the provisions of the Ley Orgánica 15/1999 (13th December 1999), respecting the Protection of Personal Data, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or removal of your personal details as held in our database system by sending an e-mail to, or by means of a letter accompanied by a photocopy of your DNI (identity document), to the following address: International Geophysical Technology, S.L. Dpto. Calidad. Fuerteventura, 4, 1º-4. 28703. San Sebastián de los Reyes. Madrid. International Geophysical Technology does not sell, rent, cede or otherwise transfer to third parties information about, and/or personal data relating to, their Clients/Users. International Geophysical Technology has taken the necssary security measures to prevent the alteration, loss, manipulation or other unauthorised access to the personal data in their possession, in accordance with the current state of technological know-how. The User should, however, be aware that technology is progressing and that Internet security measures are not infallible. The IGT website does not currently use cookies, although we reserve the right to make use of these in the future. Cookies are small pieces of information that allow the storage and retrieval of certain data about visitors to the site, and are solely accessible by the server which sets them. Cookies are used to provide a more personalised, and therefore higher quality, service to the user. Cookies have a limited lifespan and at no time do they access information stored on the user's hard drive. It is the user who stores the information and who can allow it to be accessed later by the server. If a user prefers not to receive cookies, these can be disabled by means of the user's own browser preferences. . |